Since there's no workshop after our February presentation, we're hosting some semi-structured social time + making time. NEW MEMBERS are especially invited, and returning members are invited to stay to know all members better.
Bring lunch and a project to work on! We'll eat, do some fun get-to-know-you activities, and work on individual projects. Stay for as little or as long as you like (or until we shut down). Guaranteed camaraderie, a chance to learn from fellow weavers/knitters/spinners/stitchers, and lovely conversation as we pursue our common love of fiber.
Join us!
Stop by for a visit. We are always eager to meet other fiber enthusiasts.
Mailing Address:Northern Colorado Weavers Guild (NCWG)P.O. Box 2404Fort Collins, CO 80522
Meeting Address: First Baptist Church of Loveland1003 W 6th St, Loveland, CO
Northern Colorado Weavers Guild is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
All content ©NCWG or its respective creator.