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Northern Colorado Weavers Guild

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Scandinavian Coverlets and Sleigh Blankets - Susan Conover

  • October 14, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • First Baptist Church of Loveland 1003 W. Sixth St.


a handwoven blanket lined with sheepskin draped over a loom bench

Social Hour 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

General Guild Meeting 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Scandinavian Coverlets and Sleigh Blankets 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

Susan Conover's fascination with Scandinavian weaving is apparent in everything that is created on her looms. The Swedes traditionally weave a structure called Smalandsvav (a multi-harness weave) and the Norwegians call it Skillbragd. Whatever you want to call it is fine by Susan. She explored mounting these unique hand-woven pieces onto sheep skins to create warm and cozy bed coverings or sleigh blankets. She has also woven Monks belt and various overshot weaves which have been mounted onto sheep skins or quilted onto fabric.

Susan's quest to learn the correct and traditional method of sewing sheep skins took her to Vesterheim's Folk Art School in Decorah, IA in the summer of 2016. In Iowa she studied under Britt Solheim of Norway. Britt shared every ounce of knowledge she possesses on the art of skinnfell (hand sewing sheep skins).

In this one-hour presentation Susan will share examples of her Sleigh Blankets plus a short lecture in hand-sewing the sheep skins together ... which is something most North Americans don't get to witness


an image of a woman with blonde hair and glasses taken from the shoulders up. She is wearing a black turtleneck and a blue jacket. She is smiling.

Susan began spinning and weaving in 1980 and spent the next three decades studying under numerous national and international instructors. Her focus has always been on the historic aspects of her chosen craft.

Since 2000 she has offered courses in hand spinning and floor-loom weaving from her studio. It is a premiere teaching environment with six Schacht floor looms and a "herd" of Schacht spinning wheels.

Her experiences have included being Operations Manager at Vavstuga Weaving School in Shelburne Falls, MA for five years. Being a consultant and demonstrator for Historic sites has brought her a great deal of joy and sense of accomplishment. She specializes in lectures and workshops for guilds and craft schools throughout the country.

Susan currently operates out of a newly remodeled studio that augments the original Schacht equipment with ten Glimakra countermarch and counterbalance looms. She offers two to five-day hands-on workshops in her home studio and hosts students from throughout North America.

For more information about Susan, visit her website

Presentation follows general Guild meeting

Stop by for a visit. We are always eager to meet other fiber enthusiasts.

Where to Find Us

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Mailing Address:
Northern Colorado Weavers Guild (NCWG)
P.O. Box 2404
Fort Collins, CO 80522

Meeting Address:
First Baptist Church of Loveland
1003 W 6th St, Loveland, CO

Northern Colorado Weavers Guild is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

All content ©NCWG or its respective creator.

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